Cher by Michel Klein

November 21, 2007 at 5:35 am | Posted in Blog Files, Fab Finds | 1 Comment
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It’s amazing how easily the power of smell can lift your mood. There are a few specific perfumes that are literally just for my happiness. I mean I haven’t really received too many compliments on them but I absolutely adore the smell. I’ve been in those situations where someone asks you to where a perfume that they love. And you could swear that once you spray that perfume on, the rest of the day or evening moves in slow motion with constant bathroom breaks to try to wash some of it off.

Everyone has different taste when it comes to perfume so you really can’t please everyone. Therefore, I think its far more important to find a perfume that pleases you, not just for the smell but for the way it makes you feel. Happy, sexy, young, confident, etc…

One of my personal favorites is Cher by Michel Klein. When I came across this perfume a year ago, it was love at first smell. And I haven’t gotten enough of it yet. It has such a fresh, clean, powdery scent. When I need something a bit stronger for the evening, I go for Hypnose by Lancome.

I’m not too good with the whole review thing on perfumes but I just googled perfume reviews and I came across a blog “Perfume-Smellin’ Things – Perfume Blog” that might be of interest to anyone looking for reviews on different types of perfumes.

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  1. I like strong ones like Samsara o Comme des garcons.. Mont Blanc is pretty good too

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