The Thirty-Something Crisis

April 27, 2009 at 9:21 pm | Posted in Girltalk | 6 Comments
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Love and gossip may be the topics that twenty-somethings talk most about, but weight and getting healthy are almost sure to top the list among thirty-something chit chat.  More specifically, coming to terms with the fact that weight just doesn’t drop off as quickly and as effortlessly as it did during the twenties.  My friends and I constantly talk about our mission to get back into the shape we were in 10 years ago.  Even the other day at the beach, I overheard a bunch of guys in their thirties sharing their disappointment on how hard they are having to work to get ripped and to lose their evergrowing gut. It’s a sad reality.  I can guarantee that the majority of my fellow gymmates are in their thirties giving it all they have to maintain what twenty-somethings take for granted. 

I’ve been going to the gym every other day and combining a mix of weights followed by cardio… high / low intensity cardio (running/walking/stepping) and i’m think i’ve got the hang of it for the next 10 years 😉  But hell… if 30 is like this, what the hell is 40 and 50 gonna be like???


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  1. I don’t even want to think of turning 30! I am still in my mid 20s and i’m freaking out at getting old!

  2. your huspand is a lucky bastard

  3. I desperately need a gym.
    But I don’t think I like any of the ones I know
    Which gym do you go to if you don’t mind me asking?

  4. I’m going to Holiday Inn. Its the closest to my house.

  5. I go to corniche it suits my personality 😉

  6. Sweet blog. I never know what I am going to come across next. I think you should do more posting as you have some pretty intelligent stuff to say.

    I’ll be watching you . 🙂

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